Yin Vaisra wants to recruit the Cike to overpower the Empire but Rin won’t do it without Kitay. Rin is left haunted by what she had to do to end The Poppy War and now she is being thrown in again as a weapon. This time, they have a common goal, to get rid of the Empress once and for all. Political turmoil and war is set against a 20th century Chinese history backdrop in The Dragon Republic.
“People will seek to use you or destroy you. If you want to live, you must pick a side. So do not shirk from war, child. Do not flinch from suffering. When you hear screaming, run toward it.”

About the Book
The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang is the second historical fantasy in The Poppy War Trilogy. You can purchase this book by clicking the title to use my link where I will receive a small commission.
“It’s not about who you are, it’s about how they see you. And once you’re mud in this country, you’re always mud.”
Summary (Spolier-Free)
The Dragon Republic follows Rin in the aftermath of her ending The Poppy War. Yin Vaisra wants to recruit her to help him take down the Empress, to use her as a weapon in his war. Even with Nezha, Kitay and the Cikes at her side, between her opium addiction and guilt, it is hard for her to go on to fight again. The only thing that keeps her moving forward through everything she endures is another chance at taking down the Empress.

What I loved
This series is one that not only stays with you, it changes you. R.F. Kuang cannot disappoint in the world building or character development. I absolutely loved Rin’s character development through the second book in the series. I admired how to the story lines with both Nezha and Kitay grew. This series is absolutely heart wrenching and I would still read it for the first time over and over again.
“Fire and water looked so lovely together. It was a pity they destroyed each other by nature.”
Who should read this book?
For fans of fantasy or historical fiction, for those that want every emotion found all in one series.
Final Thoughts and Rating
Another 5 star review for R.F. Kuang. I recommend this book to anyone emotionally ready to take everything in.
Read the review of The Poppy War HERE.